Monday, November 30, 2015

Best Tip for Classic Exercises Single

 Best Tip for Classic Exercises Single

These coaching cues will help you nail every rep and build your best body 
I work with an array of clients—from elite athletes to Bob in accounting. So you might assume I use different coaching cues for different fitness levels.
But the truth is, I’ve found that most people respond to the same cues regardless of ability.
(Transform your body from top to bottom with The Anarchy Workout. One guy lost 18 pounds of fat in just 6 weeks!)
Take the squat for example. These are two common cues you might hear:
One: Squeeze your glutes.
Two: Crack a walnut between your glutes.
With my clients, the second is always best.
It’s an external cue, which takes your attention away from your body and directs it toward an outcome (breaking the nut).
The first cue, on the other hand, is an internal cue, which focuses on a body part and how it moves or works.  
Coaches will use both internal and external. But I find that the following 9 external cues are magic for my clients. I say them, and—bam!—they instantly correct their form. They also work much better than “Hey! Stop doing that!”
Apply them to your own workout for flawless technique and greater gains.
“Squeeze an orange in each of your armpits until you make orange juice.”
Why it works: You’ll activate your latissimus dorsi—the largest muscles in your back—so that they can assist in the big lift.
Maintaining this contraction throughout the entire exercise also prevents your upper back from rounding. And that’s important, since the more stable your spine, the more weight you can move.
Straight-Leg Deadlift or Romanian Deadlift
Create as much distance as possible between your head and butt.
Why it works: A perfect hip hinge is imperative for the straight-leg deadlift. But for many guys, it’s one of the hardest movements to master.
If you concentrate on pushing your head and butt away from one another as the weight lowers, however, your hips have to maximally bend. This fully engages your hamstrings and glutes so you can powerfully lift and lower the bar.
Point your belt buckle toward your chin.
Why it works:  Tilting your pelvis backward places your spine in a neutral position. This not only reduces the stress on your lower back and your risk of spine injuries, but also promotes more stability throughout your core.
 @ 3 Exercises You Should Do Every Day
Rear-Foot-Elevated Split Squat or Bulgarian Split Squat
Crack the concrete with your heel.
Why it works: You’ll find that your weight shifts forward into your toes as you lift and lower. This can cause your heel to come off the floor, placing a lot of stress on your knee, and activating your quad instead of the glutes. It can also decrease your strength.
Pressing through the heel of your front foot helps it stay flat during the exercise.
“Push your upper back toward the ceiling at the end of the movement.”
Why it works: This not only works your chest, but also engages your serratus anterior, a small but important muscle that helps move your shoulder blades.
If you neglect the serratus anterior, it becomes weak. And this puts you at a higher risk of shoulder impingement, a painful injury in the shoulder joint.
It also messes up your posture, tilting your shoulder blades forward and down. Do you want to look like a hunchback?
Kettlebell SwingHike the bell as hard as possible.
Why it works: You’ll build momentum on the very first swing. You can’t do that if you’re standing with the bell hanging straight down.
Here’s how to do it: Place the kettlebell about a foot in front of you, then lean forward to grab the bell. Your arms will be extended in front of you. Tilt the handle toward you, while trying to break it in half with your hands.
@ 10 Exercises That Burn More Calories Than Running
Now explosively “hike” the bell between your legs. When your arms hit the top of the inside of your thighs, explosively “pop your hips forward as you let the weight swing up to chest level.
Put your shoulder blades in your back pocket.
Why it works: This prevents the traps from doing all the work. Instead, it ensures you initiate the movement with your lats and teres major, the muscles in your shoulder blades.
Overhead Press
Prepare for a punch in the stomach.
Why it works: Most men overarch their backs whenever their arms go overhead. This not only sabotages your strength, but also increases your risk of injury if there’s load involved.
Prepping your gut for a punch forces you to brace your abdominals-hard. Bracing your core keeps your pelvis in alignment and helps you maintain a neutral arch the entire time.

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Best Tip for Classic Exercises Single
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November 22, 2022 at 8:34 AM delete

হাই বন্ধুরা কেমন আছো সবাই..?
///-@-(সবার প্রথমে একটা কথা বলতেছি)....

///ঃ-(আমি এখানে একদমই নতুন)....

////ঃ-টাকার প্রয়োজনে এই কাজ করতে আসছি টাকা দিলে কাজ করে দিব হান্ডেট পার্সেন্ট...

//// যারা কাজ করবেন তারাই কল দিবেন আর বিশ্বাস না করলে কেউ কল দিবেন না .....

আমি ঃ--সুমি আক্তার ,,,

////--আমি ইমুতে কাজ করি....

৷৷ এক ঘন্টা 1000 টাকা আধাঘণ্টা 510 টাকা ৷৷
@**-এটা ভিডিওতে

||এক ঘন্টা 510 আধাঘন্টা 310 টাকা ||
@**-এটা অডিওতে

এটাই বিকাশ নাম্বার পার্সোনাল কাজ করলে বিকাশ করে কল দেন,,
((( 01311032006))).

,,,, হাই বন্ধুরা কেমন আছো সবাই,,,,
আমি ঃ-সুমি আক্তার ইমুতে কাজ করি....

|||☎️☎️☎️👍///কাজ করলে কন্টাক করো,,,

৷৷৷৷৷৷ এক ঘন্টা 1000 টাকা আধাঘণ্টা 510 টাকা ৷৷৷৷৷

///###///..এটাই বিকাশ নাম্বার পার্সোনাল কাজ করলে বিকাশ করে কল দেন,,,,, (01311032006)..

(এক ঘন্টা 1000 টাকা আধাঘণ্টা 510 টাকা)

এটা ইমু নাম্বার ঃঃ- (০১৩১১০৩২০০৬)...

এটাই কন্টাক্ট নাম্বার ঃঃ-(01311032006)...

বিশেষ দ্রষ্টব্য///ঃঃ--টাকা ছাড়া ইমুতে ভিডিও কল দিলে নাম্বার ব্লক করব👙👙👙👙👙👙❤️❤️❤️☎️☎️☎️👍👍👍📞📞📞


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